Thursday, May 24, 2012


I...finally gave in. I acquired a small army (2500pt or so) of Space Wolves, my first incursion into GW. I have to say, I never liked the idea of painting forty-plus of the same model, so Space Wolves with their custom heroes seem a better choice for me.

Despite getting this army from an ebay auction, most of the models were disassembled on their original spruces, which means I will get to assemble them as I choose. All together, I have:

-4x 10 man Grey Hunters (and meltagun bits!)
-1x 10 man Wolf Guard on power armour
-2x 5 man Wolf Guard Terminators
-1x 3 man Thunderwolf Cav.
-1x 8 man Wolf Scouts
-1x 5 man Long Fangs
-1 Forge World Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought

My favorite part, the Space Wolves Warjack (for some reason they call them "Dreadnoughts" in the codex. Weird):

Now, all I need to do is choose some colors, maybe a theme (something along the lines of Space Vikings), and assemble and paint forty-some models. We will call this my summer project.

Oh, and I need to learn how to play this game...

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