Friday, August 12, 2011

The Siege of Melnar - Brief battle report

The siege actually happened some time ago, but worth mentioning. It is probably the most fun I’ve had at Warmachine, and definitely the most spectacular, in terms of points and terrain. This is my Cygnar (Me and Justin) versus Alex’s Khador, 101pt (oops!) vs 100pt. But what makes this game spectacular, is the stellar job Alex did making the siege engine and the city wall. The premise:

            “Cygnaran forces arrived at Mellar the morning after a Khadoran night raid demolished a small portion of the city wall. Siege Brisbane and a severely hang-overer Lt. Caine rushed to defend the battered city walls. Allister Caine had been taken out to drinks by the longgunners, and let’s just say, accuracy was not their strong suit that morning…”

The rest is best explained in Alex’s battle report:

After some of the worst rolling of dice ever on the Cygnarian front...KHADOR WINS. Allister Caine lives to drink another day though. 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

A blog about war games and science?

Why? Because life is good, games are fun and dinosaurs are…well, dinosaurs are dead.

It was the last afternoon of a long work vacation… I came to California as an intern for the summer, rented myself a little studio for the price my entire Warmachine army is worth (per month!!!) and lived the good life. Part of what makes life so good is committing a good portion of my disposable income into a new army.

I decided on Circle Orboros, because frankly, they have giant fucking werewolves (better than abstaining werewolves) and that’s all the convincing I ever needed. I also wanted to try Hordes after getting my teeth kicked in every time my Cygnar sortied against any Hordes faction. Any.

I was a very happy man-boy. Got a 35 point Kaya list all ordered up, new paint, new brushes, new primer (I went white primer and I’m never going back). My temporary job (of sorts) and the fact that I don’t know anyone in town allows for a certain... flexibility. The giant windows on my studio get the best sunlight around 6-7pm. It was time to get these puppies painted!

It is delightful, having all the time in the world to paint. Priming white is less delightful; it means you have to cover every surface, and the paint becomes really bright. On the upside, the paint becomes really bright, so you can bring out all the colors of nature, fitting for an army of druids and wolves. Another benefit, I have had enough practice to make the models look alright, unlike my early Cygnar, which look as if I swallowed some paint and puked it on the metal. Good enough for THIS blog!

I found a game club in Santa Clara at a store called Game Kastle. Highly recommend it; they host WarmaHordes every Tuesday and Saturday on top of table space for D&D and other role playing games. They do it out of the kindness of their hearts, and out of the kindness of my wallet. Suffice to say, my Circle went from 35 to 50 points that first day. Good games.

It was the last afternoon of a long work vacation… and the light is prime for painting, and I shipped my army to myself in Washington this morning…so what I’m I to do instead of painting? I’M GONNA START A BLOG!!! It’s going to be about war gaming and science. BOOM!!!