Sunday, May 6, 2012

Painting Cav

If there is a painting hell, a place where we pay for our sins as modelers, for me, it would entail painting cav, day and night. Painting cav is the bastard child of painting infantry and painting large models. They have so much surface to cover, and there are so many of them!

Cygnar's Storm Lances are a great unit, specially with the addition of Kat Laddermore, if one can afford 12/16 points. I love fielding mine, but they have been half-painted for over a year now. No amount of work I put on them seems to be enough. I started with Kat, and it felt like forever to get her done, including basing.

Then I started working on the cav models, one color at a time. It was so dreadful I had to finish one, to get a sense of accomplishment. Then the next, then the next. Today I finally have the min unit painted, although I will wait to finish all five before I do washes and highlights. Let's not even mention basing yet.

One thing that made painting easier was to work on the rider separately. It helps get the details done correctly, without half the model always being in the way. Gluing the rider to a temporary base helps out. Like a lot.

I hope to get them finished some day...

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