Friday, May 16, 2014
CRIMSON FISTS Part 4: Sternguard Veterans
If the fluff of the Crimson Fists demands heavy weapons, the crunch definitely asks for Sternguard Vets. Pedro Kantor, Chapter Master of the Crimson Fists, is an unique character in the game which has a special rule allowing Sternguard to score objectives (although with the advent of 7th edition, who knows how this will be FAQed).
Sternguard vets carry their signature special ammunition, which allows you to choose between "ignore cover", "poisoned (2+)", or "AP3 gets hot" bolt rounds. Needless to say, the flexibility is extremely handy. Another unique advantage of fielding Sternguard is access to two special weapons, including the heavy flamer. In addition, any number of veterans can replace their bolter with a combi-bolter of any kind. Sternguard work best delivered by Drop Pods, to position them exactly where you need your opponents key unit destroyed. A ten-man unit with two heavy flamers and five combi-meltas, is flexible enough to take out hordes, heavy vehicles, monstrous creatures, or even elite units (although they struggle a bit against 2+ armor). While not as good in close combat as their Vanguard brethren, each vet sports two attacks each, and they even have access to power weapons or power fists if you anticipate them being engaged.
All an all, this unit is fantastic, and the backbone of any Space Marine force including Pedro Kantor among their ranks.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
CRIMSON FISTS Part 3: Big Guns Never Tire
One of the most rewarding aspects of the tabletop hobby is to develop an army's thematic, whether it is done following the long history of the published Warhammer universe or if it is your own creation, a "homebrew" army as it is usually called. In either case, the philosophy of making an army themed around its backstory is referred to as a "fluffy army", whereas its mortal opposite is the "crunchy army". Fluff is storyline driven, Crunch is rules driven, an army optimized for function.
For my Crimson Fists army, I wanted to stick to the existing 40K mythology, in color scheme, army composition, and just the general feel of it, down to the bases I selected. Among Space Marine chapters, the Crimson Fists are known for following Rogal Dorn's doctrine: specializing in siege warfare, and thus favor heavy weapons. This was convenient because Space Marine heavy support units are among the most visually notable, as well as being very good on the table top. A crunchy army by means of fluff.
In the storyline, the Crimson Fists are also known for surviving an Ork invasion to their home, Rynn's World. Only about 100 battle-brothers survived the gruesome 18-month siege, and those who survived were turned into hardened veterans. An separate post detailing veteran squads is forthcoming, but I wanted to make special mention of Rynn's Might, an honored Land Raider whose A.I. conducted a solo war fighting hundreds of orks on its own, which I also wanted to capture in my army.
Man, the Crimson Fists sure love big guns:
I have broken the post into six units, which is conveniently the maximum allowance of heavy support units for one army in the game.
Devastator Squad: All Crimson Fists are proficient with heavy weapons, learned by spending their early days assigned to a Devastator squad, which supports forward units from the rear, while staying mobile.
Thunderfire Cannon: While technically Techmarines are part of the Adeptus Mechanicum, Space Marine Techmarines are battle-brothers who received special training to operate the ancient war-machines of the Imperium. The Thunderfire Cannon is designed as a mobile weapon platform specializing in anti-infantry barrages.
Vindicator Siege Tank: Also known as the Tonka Truck of Doom, it's powerful siege cannon scares the crap out of every unit in the game. Usually does not survive very long, as a clever opponent will remove it from the table at the nearest opportunity.
Hunter Anti-Air Tank: A very specialized tool, it does not see the tabletop often, but when your opponent is fielding mass flyers (I'm looking at you, Helldrakes), you know you want one on your side. Besides it is relatively low cost, and a very good looking model.
Storm Eagle (ROC Pattern): While not the fluffiest unit, definitely my favorite, beautiful model and incredible on the table top is the Storm Eagle. It's hard to say no to a twin-linked multi-melta, two twin-linked lascannons, and four twin-linked crack missiles. There is an entire post dedicated to this one model somewhere else.
Rynn's Might (Land Raider): The iconic Space Marine heavy tank, the Land Raider boasts the best armor in the game. While most players prefer the Crusader or Redeemer variants, fluff demands Rynn's Might be a Phobos Pattern variant. Fluff also demands Rynn's Might to be covered in as many Crimson Fists icons, medals, and inscriptions as possible, after all, it's the most venerated machine in their armory.
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