Priming was done in two colors, to facilitate bringing bright tones to the electrical gear. This also means there's an additional step darkening the blue and metal bits with a black wash. This is the first time I've painted a model in sections, it's a lot more challenging.
The base involved some resin sand bags and a couple of unfortunate Khador assault kommandoes, which gave their lives for the motherland.
The robot pants were simple to paint, but the whites took three different layers: Menoth Base, Menoth Highlight and Morrow White. This was in hopes to give the white panels sufficient depth.
The torso was basecoated Cygnar Blue Base, then washed black and dry brushed Cygnar Blue Highlight. The same two blues were used to blend in some shades, and a three yellow mix was used to shade the swans.
The head was converted to look like a Gundam's. The V antennae, the scope on top, and the chin are all additions from plastic bits.
Almost done. Lightning coils look more like ice cream cones. It may need some additional highlights.
And a size comparison with the T-head. Substantially bigger (and substantially better painted).
And finally, completed with Lightning pods. I'm debuting this model at a 200 point unbound game against Alexander's Conquest. Will be quite the game of Warmachine.